Friday, November 14, 2008


The Workshop for Tanzania Editors and Trainers opened a new ground for some of us who had had not the chance to seriously learn the a b c d of the internet formally in an academic setting. It may surprise many to learn that whatever knowledge I had of the online “whatever” I had learned it from my grandson who is ten years old.

The advantage of the electronic age is that in my family everybody owns a laptop and believe it we all use the equipment daily and at some stage I thought I was almost an expert only to find out that there is a lot more out there that I don’t know yet but thanks to Piek I can claim to be a graduate of online research and reporting as a result of his well tailored workshop. His thorough way of presentation of each topic left me excited and wanted to continue even when I was told time was up.

The participant who walked in on Monday 12th November,2008, is not the same one walking out today the 14th November,2008. Do you know what? I can now make and teach anybody how to make a “BLOG” how to search facts through the Internet. How to write , edit, save and post and finally view my blog. Moreover, I can now research online
And report in my own words. Most important I can make the links to my story as much as I can so that others can visit and check out for the facts for themselves.

Last night I shared my new learning experiences with the Dean of my Faculty, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, where I head the Department of Mass Communication and he asked me if we could officially arrange that Mr. Johansson
Conducts a similar workshop at Tumaini University, Dar es Salaam College to the staff of the faculty.

Since I am very slow, I am not going to do any links in this article but I promise myself to keep on practicing until I am an expert in the making.

What I found the most difficult to learn was the photo posting and publishing so I will try doing one in this last blog to show off inspite of everything.

Thank you . Peik, thank you all

last day

Final Instructions

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Boycott of Nestle Products

Many World countries have joined in the boycott of the Nestles products because of the damage it is doing to Less Developed countries where children die as a result of not having full properties of the breastfeeding substitute that is given to such babies at half measures because parents cannot afford to give them full formula amounts which can be of nutricious value to children using them.

The WHO cites that nearly 1.5 million babies die yearly as a result of poorly administered formula in poor countries such as Africa and Asia.The World has therefore responded to the cry for the boycott to save the dying babies from the poor countries.

Again the WHO recommends breast feeding for infants as the best nutritious food that can be healthy for every baby of the world.

Economically Nestles Company is suffering falls in income as the Company's debts keep on rising as a result of high costs of raw materials.

The campaign for the boycott continues and for those unfamiliar with the situation visit the Wikipedia for figures and statics.

As mothers of the third world countries, let us join the forces to truly boycott the use of Nestles baby formula. One Tanzanian reporter confirmed of the growing number of members in Tanzania joining the Boycott. The same story goes for Botswana and Zambia where many babies have been victims of the Nestles products. A report last night by Star TV on the Nestle scandal shocked some Tanzanian mothers who heard about it for the first time last night.

Why Online Journalism

The online journalism enables journalists to train and practice skills for identifying, collecting, selecting and presenting the news and information world wide.Skills that are very necessary such as editing and conducting interviews are easily done on line.

Research is another area that is made simple by using tools such as search tools, newsgroups and list serves. With Peik Johnsso's clear lectures, one wishes to jump with joy at the discovery of the majic of it all.

Construction of stories for the web is designed in such a way that the content is effective to the readership.Online journalism is unique in that it is user driven and its medium elements of the contents of the news to the reader.

Online principles and processes cover all stages of the online content from the creation of the news item, to presentation covering all areas from the original setting of the idea to the finished page on site.,

However,, it is not limited to news items and information alone.. it embraces the creation of a wide range of issues such and news, information, and commercials.

The good thing about the web is that it makes ones life easy as one obtains data, text,pictures,graphics, videos,etc. on the Internet according to one requirement

The magic is in the speed at which one accesses all that. Not only that the number of people you can reach globally is incredible. When sending your items such as graphics, charts, e-mail, you are sure it will be received and the response will be forthcoming.

For example during the American polls, the whole world could follow through reading the newspapers like the Guardian, the Daily News, The Citizen, Mwananchi, just to mention a few. The CNN made our lives even easier for the World coverage..

For those who could access the internet it was even more interesting as the news was updated all the time and people were up to date with the election news all the time.

Comparing the Radio, Television, and the Internet you realize how efficient the internet is as you can use it as a tool to link other multiplied potential sources of news and information globally. One can link to any websites in Africa, and world wide and search for whatever is sought.That way the whole world knew the OBAMA victory as it happened.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rupert Mudorch Speech

In his speech to Editors, Murdoch points out the advantages that the Internet has brought to the present day journalism at the same time he points out some of the shortcomings of the Internet in relation to practical journalism.

On the positive side he cites examples of the fast speed at which news is transmitted and received without any limitations to the media houses controlling the whole flow of the news transmitted.Unfortunately though, inspite of the dramatic revolutions in the news business,facts in some of the stories are being altered by young media practitioners who know nothing about the tradional media ethics as dictated by the profession.

The report further states of the decline in the interest of people wishing to read the newspapers as they get what they need through the internet.Advertising has also taken a new turn whereby the new technology has made it possible for adverts to earn much more more money by far as compared to those in the newspapers.

Murdoch advises that in order to balance, editors have to think of their clients and not regard them as people who don't matter and impose whatever they wish on them.

Business wise, the Internet has made business more attractive by far which in turn has affected journalism to such an extent that what matters is what can be gained and not how it is gained.In turn, readers have lost confidence in their editors as compared to the time when newspapers relied on the media houses producing news for their consumers.

To improve the present situation, editors have to change the way they write and edit their stories,imprrove their newspapers so that they accommodate their readers' interests and expectations.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The Internet Workshop for Editors and Trainers was very well received by members of the Tanzania Media and Trainers who participated.Participants learned how the Internet has changed socities and communication globally.

All participants were able to make their personal blogs by the end of the day.Which to most of us was something real great as we need blogs for easy access to information as well as easy communication among communicators all over the world.

What I discovered was that the Internet is the most effective and easy way of communicating.

We are enjoying the course.

I look forward to go back and teach my students all about this.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Personal Profile

Ada Nancy Mwendamseke

My name iss Ada Nancy Mwendamseke,.A senior lecturer with the Tumaini University College in the department of Mass Communication where I lecture in Research Methodology and Media, Society and Gender Issues.

I joined journalism to be able to voice my concerns on the marginalized groups in society especially women and the children.Through articles and books I have made my contribution of raising women awareness on their rights as people and as women in society.The impact has made quite a remarkable change in our Society.

With the emergency of the Internet, my work is made even easier as I reach many groups of other women all over the world through networking, thereby exchanging experiences, views and insights on our various programmes. We have been able to exchanger books through the internet by attaching the material and sending as an email.

I have been able to publish three books and the fourth one upcoming while at the same time I am writing my Phd Thesis. All this has been possible because of the Internet use as
it makes my work manageable.